Spring Warmup

Start Time 9:00am
Run starts at the Dunedin Community Centre.  Come join the fun, chat with your running buddies and test your winter legs against some short hills!

A 13K loop on country roads and the Bruce Trail. Warning: There is an annoying flat section from 3K to 4K.
Run as many laps as you wish before the unofficial 3:00 PM cutoff.

There is also a bonus 4K Downhill Shortcut at the 5K point, for a 9K distance option.

Washrooms at the Dunedin Community Centre.

Aid Station
Water, sports drink and snacks.  Water jug at an unattended aid station at the 6K point, so bring a water bottle.

More information
For more information contact the series coordinator, coordinator@outrace.ca 

$40.  On-line or cash at the Spring Warm-up from 8:00 AM until 08:45.

Post Run
1:00 PM: Lunch
2:00 PM: Prize draw at the Dunedin Community Centre.

From Airport Road and County Road 9 (Cashtown Corners – near Creemore) travel west on CR 9 for 10K to Dunedin. The Dunedin Community Centre is the only building that is not a house.

100% of proceeds will be directed to OUTRace (The Ontario Ultra and Trail Race Series)

Grand prize and some spot prizes.

Grand Prize
One person who has paid entry to the fun run will be eligible for free entry to the following events. The winner does not need to be present at the fun run during the draw and can pay the difference to run races longer than 56K. The prize is not transferable.

Races in Grand Prize
Suntrail Pure Grit - 7.5km, 15km, 30km or 52.5km
Conquer the Canuck - 25km, 42km, 50km or 6 hour
Great Mansfield - 10km, 21km or 50km
Niagara Ultra - 21.1km, 42km or 50km
Limberlost - 14km, 28km, 42km or 56km
Forest Lea - 10km or 25km
Middle Path - 26km or 52km
Haliburton Forest Trail Race - 12km, 26km or 50km
Run Off the Grid - 12.5km, 25km or 50km
Creemore Vertical - 25km, 50km or 75km
Fat Ass Trail Run - 10km, 17.5km, 25km, 50K or 6 hour


Race Location: 
From Airport Road and County Road 9 (Cashtown Corners – near Creemore) travel west on CR 9 for 10K to Dunedin. The Dunedin Community Centre is the only building that is not a house.
Race Day: 
Saturday, April 19, 2025